Travel Agency Management and Operations Syllabus - BBA-TT (PU)

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Course Description

Course Objectives:

This course is intended to introduce tour and travel agency procedures with the proper maintenance and etiquette. The course will address professional dress code, demeanor, working environment, product knowledge, marketing and sales skills, office machines, all levels of communication, and accountability. The course also provides fare knowledge on itinerary planning , tour package, planning a group tour and cost allocation.

Course Description:

This course starts with basic topics of Travel agency management and operation and its various aspects. Unit I and II cover general knowledge about itinerary planning, tour package, planning a group tour and cost allocation. Unit III is concerned with understanding the reservation and accommodation in parks, hotels and holidays centre. Coaching, Cruising operations are main subject areas in Unit IV and Unit V. In Unit VI, Unit VII, Unit VIII is devoted exclusively to the car, ferry Services, railways and airlines operations. Unit IX, Unit X and Unit XIII and Unit XIV deal with finance in travel and skill in handling operations and complaints. The last Unit XV focus on cases related with the issues in travel operations and management.

Course Outcomes:

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  • understand basic of travel agency management and operations;
  • practically implement itinerary planning, tour package;
  • understand reservation and operation procedures in car, ferry, railways, airlines;
  • comprehend the technology, insurance and finance in relation with travel;
  • make student capable to handle operations and complaints of customers;

Unit Contents

Course Contents:

Unit I: Introduction   : 1 hour

Travel Agency Management and Operations

Unit II: Package and group tours  : 2 hours

Introduction, Planning a group tour                                                                                

Unit III: Short breaks, special interest holidays theme parks, holiday centers, accommodation and theatre reservations  :  3 hours

Short breaks, Special interest holidays, Useful addresses, National parks, Skiing, Holiday centres/hotels, Accommodation, Theatre reservations

Unit IV: Coaching and incoming tourism  :  2 hours

Coaching, European coach holidays, Making a reservation, Incoming tourism

Unit V: Cruising  :  2 hours

Introduction, Passengers and passenger density, Factors in cruise costs, Some nautical terms,  International river cruise destinations, Ocean, river and canal cruising, Client information on cruising, Cruising areas

Unit VI: Car rental  : 2 hours

Benefits of car rental, Growth of car rental. Tariffs, Car Groups, Fuel Consumption, Car rental insurance, organizing car rental

Unit VII: Ferry services and railways  :  2 hours

Ferry services, Making the reservation, Railways

Unit VIII: Airlines   :  2 hours

Introduction, IATA traffic and conference areas, Most logical routings, Aircraft types, Fear of flying, Deep vein thrombosis, Seat pitch, Charter airlines, Organizing an itinerary, Time differences and elapsed flying time, Passports, visas and health regulations, Special services for passengers, Airport information, Stopover  holidays

Unit IX: Technology   :  4 hours

Introduction, Understanding systems, Travel agency systems, Viewdata, Global distributions systems, GDs and E-commerce

Unit X: The Internet  :  2 hours

Introduction, A brief history, How the Internet works, Getting on-line, Tour operators and the Internet, The Internet as a marketing tool, Travel portals

Unit XI: Insurance  : 3 hours

Holiday insurance, What is included in a travel insurance policy, Exclusions, Specialist insurance-pre-existing illness, dangerous activities, E111 coverage, Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) code of conduct, Terminology explained, Making a claim, Information required before issuing a policy, Insurance tips for travel agents.

Unit XII: Finance  : 6 hours

Introduction, How travel agents earn their income, Operational costs of an independent travel agency, Security, Legal and regulatory requirements, Handling cheques and credit cards, Cheques, Foreign currency, Travellers cheques, The euro, Disposable income

Unit XIII: Skills  :  6 hours

Skills required to work in a travel agency, Product benefits for the client, Using the telephone, Sales techniques in the office, Identifying the clients needs, Closing the sale, After-sales service, Client relations, Time management

Unit XIV: Handling complaints  :  3 hours

Introduction, ABTA and arbitration

Unit XV: Case Study   :  6 hours

Text and Reference Books

Basic Texts Books:

  1. Chuck Y. G, Professional Travel Agency Management, New Delhi, Prentice Hall,
  2. Chand Mohinder Travel Agency Management: An Introductory Text, New Delhi: Anmol Publication Pvt. Ltd


  1. 1. Bagulia ,A.M: Encyclopedia of Travel Agency Management - 3 Vols. 
Download Syllabus
  • Short Name N/A
  • Course code TTM 103
  • Semester Second Semester
  • Full Marks 100
  • Pass Marks 45
  • Credit 3 hrs
  • Elective/Compulsary Compulsary