What are the characteristics of teams and the stages in team development?

Stages of Team Development

B W Tuckman suggested the following stages in team development:

a)        Forming

People join the group and define group’s purpose, structure and leadership. During the initial stage, the group forms and learns what sort of behaviour is acceptable to the group. By exploring what does and doesn’t work, the group sets implicit and explicit ground rules that cover the completion of specific tasks as well as general dynamics. This is a stage of orientation and acclimatization

b)        Storming

This stage is characterized by intergroup conflict. As group members become more comfortable with one another, they may oppose the formation of a group structure as they begin to assert their individual personalities and thus resist the control the group imposes of individuality. Members often become hostile and even fight ground rules set during the forming stage. There may be conflict on who will control the group.

c)         Norming

The norming stage is characterized by close relationship and cohesiveness. As this stage and time, the conflicts that arose in the previous stage are addressed and hopefully resolved. Group unity emerges as members establish common goals, norms, and ground rules. The group as whole participates, not merely a few vocal members. Members begin to voice personal opinions and develop close relationships.

d)        Performing

In this stage the group is fully functional. When structural issues have been resolved, the group begins to operate as a unit. The structure of the group now supports and eases group dynamics and performance. The structure becomes a tool for the group’s use instead of an issue to be fought over. Members can now redirect their efforts from the development of the group to suing groups’ structure to complete the tasks at hand.

e)        Adjourning

For temporary groups such as taskforces, this is the time when the group wraps up activities. With disbandment in mind, the group’s focus shifts from high task performance to closure. Members’ attitudes vary from excitement to depression.

Susmita Sah
Jan 13, 2022
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