What determines the personality of a person? Discuss the major personality attributes influencing organizational behaviour.

Determinants of Personality of a Person Please seer Q.No.8

Major Personality Attributes Influencing 0B

The major personality attributes or traits that influence organizational behaviour are explained as follows:

  1. Locus of control: This concept denotes whether people believe that they are in control of events or events control them. Those who have an internal locus of control (internals) believe that they control and shape the course of events in their lives, while those who have an external locus of control (externals) believe that events occur purely by chance or because of factors beyond their own control. Internal, as compared to externals, seek more job related information, try to influence, other at work, seek opportunities for advancement and rely more on their own abilities and judgment at work.
  2. Machiavellians: Manipulation of others as a primary way of achieving one's goals is what Machiavellians is all about. Individuals high on the Mach scale, a scale developed to measure the extent to which an individual tends to be Machiavellian tend to be cool, logical in assessing the system around them. Moreover, they are willing to twist and turn facts to influence others and try to gain control of people, events, and situations by manipulating the system to their advantage. Machiavellian may fool-a few people for a short time, but in the long run, they tend to be distrusted and disliked by many in the system and hence may become ineffective.
    1. Self-esteem and self-concept: Self-esteem denotes the extent to which individuals consistently regard themselves as capable, successful, important and worthy individuals. This is an important personality factor that determines how managers perceive themselves and their role in the organization. Self-esteem is important to self-concept, that is, the way individual define themselves as to who they are and derive their sense of identity. High self- esteem provides a high sense of self-concept; high self-concept in turn, reinforces high self-esteem. Thus, the two are - mutually reinforcing. Individuals high in self-esteem will try to take on more challenging assignments and be successful, thus enhancing their self- concept,

    that is they would tend to define themselves as highly valuable and valued individuals in organization system. The higher the self, concept and self-esteem, the greater will be their contributions to the goals of the organization; especially when the system rewards them for them contributions.

  3. Tolerance for ambiguity: This personality characteristic indicates the level of uncertainty that people can tolerate without experiencing undue stress and can still function effectively. Managers have to work well under conditions of extreme uncertainty and insufficient information, especially when things are rapidly changing in the organization's external environment. Managers who have a high tolerance for ambiguity can cope well under these conditions.
  4. Risk taking: People differ in their willingness to take risks: Individuals can be high risk taking and low-risk taking. High-risk taking managers tend to make quick decision with less information. However, demands of the job determine the degree of risk taking.
  5. Personality type: Individuals can have type A personality or type B personality. Type A persons feel a chronic sense of time urgency are high achievement oriented, exhibit a competitive drive and are impatient when their work is slowed down for any -reason. Type B persons -are easy going individuals who do not experience the competitive drive. Type A individuals are significantly more prone to heart attack than type B persons. While type A persons help the organization to move ahead in a relatively short period of time they may also suffer health problems, which might be detrimental to both themselves and the organization in the long run.
Bijay Satyal
Oct 28, 2021
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